This is a list of documents published by the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC)​. All links redirect to the Attorney General's Department Alternative Dispute Resolution Page.
ADR: A Better way of Doing Business—Summary of Conference Proceedings (September 2003) [DOC 1.24MB]
ADR: A Better way of Doing Business—Summary of Conference Proceedings (September 2003) [PDF 334KB]
ADR in the Civil Justice System—Issues Paper (March 2009) [DOC 2.01MB]
ADR in the Civil Justice System—Issues Paper (March 2009) [PDF 781KB]
ADR in the Civil Justice System—Summary Issues Paper (March 2009) [DOC 72KB]
ADR in the Civil Justice System—Summary Issues Paper (March 2009) [PDF 119KB]
ADR Research Background Paper for Research Round Table (February 2003) [DOC KB]
ADR Research Background Paper for Research Round Table (February 2003) [PDF KB]
ADR Terminology—Responses to NADRAC Discussion Paper (May 2003) [DOC 285KB]
ADR Terminology—Responses to NADRAC Discussion Paper (May 2003) [PDF 322KB]
A Fair Say—A Guide to Managing Differences in Mediation and Conciliation (August 1999) [DOC 2.5MB]
A Fair Say—A Guide to Managing Differences in Mediation and Conciliation (August 1999) [PDF 345KB]
A Framework for ADR Standards (April 2001):
A Toolkit for Developing a Dispute Management Plan [DOC 260KB]
A Toolkit for Developing a Dispute Management Plan [PDF 678KB]
Court Referral to ADR: Criteria and Research (December 2003) [DOC 2.2MB]
Court Referral to ADR: Criteria and Research (December 2003) [PDF 778KB]
Federal Civil Justice System Strategy Paper Comments (April 2004) [DOC 254KB]
Federal Civil Justice System Strategy Paper Comments (April 2004) [PDF 202KB]
Indigenous Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management (January 2006) [DOC 231KB]
Indigenous Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management (January 2006) [PDF 122KB]
Issues of Fairness and Justice in ADR (November 1997) [DOC 1.2MB]
Issues of Fairness and Justice in ADR (November 1997) [PDF 485KB]
Joint Letter of Advice on Parenting Plans (March 2000) [DOC 150KB]
Joint Letter of Advice on Parenting Plans (March 2000) [PDF 107KB]
National Principles for Resolving Disputes (April 2011) [DOC 42KB]
National Principles for Resolving Disputes (April 2011) [PDF 64KB]
Notes from Second National ADR Research Forum (February 2005) [DOC 75KB]
Notes from Second National ADR Research Forum (February 2005) [PDF 84KB]
Notes from Third National ADR Research Forum (July 2007) [DOC 90KB]
Notes from Third National ADR Research Forum (July 2007) [PDF 112KB]
Notes from Workshop on Mediator Accreditation (July 2004) [DOC 95KB]
Notes from Workshop on Mediator Accreditation (July 2004) [PDF 56KB]
Overview of Responses to Who Says You're a Mediator? (June 2004) [DOC 271KB]
Overview of Responses to Who Says You're a Mediator? (June 2004) [PDF 92KB]
Primary Dispute Resolution in Family Law (March 1997) [DOC 533KB]
Primary Dispute Resolution in Family Law (March 1997) [PDF 561KB]
Submission on the Legal Services Directions Issues Paper (April 2004) [DOC 82KB]
Submission on the Legal Services Directions Issues Paper (April 2004) [PDF 66KB]
Submission to the Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committee's ADR inquiry (May 2008) [DOC 163KB]
Submission to the Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committee's ADR inquiry (May 2008) [PDF 124KB]
Teaching Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australian Law Schools (November 2012) [DOC 1.9MB]
Teaching Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australian Law Schools (November 2012) [PDF 1.3MB]
Terms of reference: Statement of National ADR Principles—(1 December 2009) [DOC 48KB]
Terms of reference: Statement of National ADR Principles—(1 December 2009) [PDF 20KB]
Terms of reference: Model Dispute Management Plan [DOC 46KB]
Terms of reference: Model Dispute Management Plan [PDF 20KB]
The Development of Standards for ADR (March 2000) [DOC 4.6MB]
The Development of Standards for ADR (March 2000) [PDF 457KB]
The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Magistracy (March 1999) [DOC 141KB]
The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Federal Magistracy (March 1999) [PDF 156KB]