The Australian Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (ADRAC) is a voluntary, unaligned, independent council of 11 individuals.
The ADRAC Charter is to provide thought leadership in exploring, researching and promoting better dispute resolution in all areas of Australian life.
ADRAC’s heritage is linked to the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC).
ADRAC endeavours to provide a voice to government for the ADR community. ADRAC is committed to exploring the ADR field and publishing ADR resources for the whole community.
ADRAC considers that its heritage lies in the work of the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC).
NADRAC was the ADR advisor to the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth of Australia from 1995 to 2011. NADRAC examined all aspects of ADR to advise the Attorney-General on all matters relating to ADR. It published widely and effectively with work that was of great value in the dispute management field.
Former members of NADRAC together with five new members selected independently for their standing and capabilities, have worked together to create, as a new body, the Australian Dispute Resolution Advisory Council. ADRAC picks up and carries the mantle of NADRAC extending its work to explore, research, publish and advise anyone interested in the dispute resolution field.